Common Questions

How long will I need to be treated?

‘It’s as long as a piece of string’ is what one of my teacher always said, meaning that we are all individual and so have different needs and outcomes making it difficult to know exactly how long a treatment will need to last. For acute conditions like viral infections, or surgery recovery it may take a week or two. For a more complex or chronic condition the treatment may take a few months, adjusting and changing as you heal. There are lots of ways we can work together and find a way that best fits your lifestyle and finances to bring you to a new state of wellbeing.

Do herbal medicines interact with pharmaceuticals?

There are some interactions between pharmaceuticals and herbal medicine to be aware of. Your specific case will be closely assessed to rule out any negative interactions with the medications you are on. Conventional medicine and herbal medicine can be complementary to each other. If you are working with a Medical Doctor I am happy to communicate about your treatment to ensure that you get the best care possible.

What types of conditions can be treated with herbs?

Plant medicine can be used to address the majority of health concerns. A few areas that herbal medicine excels in where there are few conventional medical approaches to are digestive health, fertility, and autoimmune conditions.

Here is an idea of a few conditions that herbal medicine can help to remedy.

·       Exhaustion/Stress/Depletion
·       Skin health – eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc.
·       Insomnia
·       Chronic Pain
·       Arthritis
·       Anxiety + Depression     
·       Autoimmune conditions
·       Digestive concerns



·       Fertility - PCOS, conception, etc.
·       Cancer
·       High blood pressure
·       Acute Viral Infections
·       Pre/post-operative care
·       Broken bones
·       Sinusitis
·       General Health + more.

The cure of the part should not be attempted without the treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul and if the head and body are to be healthy, you must begin by curing the mind.
— Plato, The Republic. 380 BCE